The Trial of The Century.

About a hundred years ago, a small town put science and religion on trial. The trial was the Scopes Trial and while Religion and William Jennings Bryan won the case, the victory was hollow and empty, as in the court of public opinion, old time religion was mocked out of existence. Over the past few weeks, Climate Science was put on trial and while Michael Mann and big science had an affirming verdict, the big losers were truth and the right we Americans have to speak our mind and criticize our “betters.” The verdict was a bad day for Mark Steyn and even worse for the First Amendment, the ability to speak truth and the United States.

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Salvaging the Unsalvageable: HFCs and the UN Climate Change Fiasco

I’ve always thought that the Montreal protocol was completely bogus. Any back of the napkin analysis and knowledge of chemistry tells you that the claimed effects of CFCs and how much of that magic gas Chlorine was around would tell you that the stuff was bogus.

Watts Up With That?

Guest opinion: Dr. Tim Ball

“Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practise to deceive!”

Sir Walter Scott (1771-1832)

Support for the global warming/climate change agenda is becoming increasingly desperate, hysterical, and illogical. The causes are many, but chief among them are a plethora of contradictory evidence and growing public skepticism or at least disinterest. There are bizarre parallels to the Frankenstein and Dracula stories. The monster of anthropogenic global warming (AGW) collapses as it turns on the scientists who created it. Dracula needed the energy of blood but knew the dangers of exposure to sunlight. The IPCC failure to consider the Sun is a similar exposure and is causing their demise.

The latest desperate move involves the agreement on the reduction of Hydrofluorocarbons (HFC). The Paris Climate Agreement is disintegrating for a variety of reasons all of them inherent in the science and politics from the…

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Overshoot Day?

I think that there is a certain amount of hubris I deciding that there is  limited amount of resources that we can use very year. We are yet again approaching “overshoot day.”  Last year was August 13th.  Since I guess we used too many this year it is apparently August 8 or next Monday.

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Ugly: “Why climate denial should be a criminal offence”

When you criminalize though and the pursuit of inquiry you stifle the very things that made our world. All science is the result of questioning the status quo and testing against the real world. Criminalizing that pursuit is the essence of intolerance and narrow mindedness. If the climate crowd cannot address questions, climatology is no longer a science. It’s a religion where everything must be taken on faith and acceptance and not by testing and evaluation.

Watts Up With That?

Christopher Smith writes in WUWT Tips and Notes:

Dr Jarrod Gilbert: Why climate denial should be a criminal offence

jarrod-gilbert Dr. Jarrod Gilbert

5:00 AM Tuesday Jul 26, 2016

New Zealand Social Scientist Dr Jarrod Gilbert is calling for the Crime of Climate Change Denial to be adopted.

There is no greater crime being perpetuated on future generations than that committed by those who deny climate change. The scientific consensus is so overwhelming that to argue against it is to perpetuate a dangerous fraud. Denial has become a yardstick by which intelligence can be tested. The term climate sceptic is now interchangeable with the term mindless fool.

Since the 1960s, it has been known that heat-trapping gasses were increasing in the earth’s atmosphere, but no one knew to what effect. In 1979, a study found “no reason to doubt that climate changes will result and no reason to believe that these…

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Mickey Mann Can See Climate Change From His Window!

Well maybe he sees it in the rainstorm from yesterday. Certainly not from checking the local weather station.


By Paul Homewood


From Investor’s Daily:

Michael Mann, who has staked his reputation on being right about climate change, has apparently abandoned the science that he said he’s kept his “head buried in” for “much” of his career.

Mann, a climate scientist chosen to help the Democratic Party draft its election-year platform, has concluded that “these tools that we’ve spent years developing increasingly are unnecessary.”

So if the global warming alarmists should no longer use these tools — the climate prediction computer models — to badger the rest of us, then what should they use? Well, just tell some tales, of course.

“We can see climate change, the impacts of climate change, now, playing out in real time, on our television screens, in the 24-hour news cycle,” Mann told Democrats at a platform draft hearing last month. “The signal of climate change is no longer subtle, it is obvious.”

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The Real Reason Why US Farmers Are Sceptical Of Climate Change

I come from a family of farmers. They have to be ruthlessly practical because their livelihood depends on it.


By Paul Homewood


A remarkably condescending piece from Fortune Magazine:

Some U.S. farmers are skeptical of climate change, even though they’re among the most affected by it

There’s a strange paradox in the world of agriculture: farmers are perhaps the segment of the population most affected by climate change, and yet a significant number of them don’t believe in it—especially the notion that it’s man-made.

I encountered this phenomenon as I reported a feature for Fortune on how agricultural giant Monsanto is attempting to help farmers both mitigate their impact on the environment and adapt to climate change. All the farmers I talked to readily acknowledged that the weather patterns governing growing seasons had been turned upside down in recent years, but I was on the receiving end of a lot of eye rolls whenever I brought up climate change.

Monsanto MON -0.58% gets a similar response from the…

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When Sarah Hoyt talked about the new normal she didn’t discuss just what that means.  Well, while it’s not a conspiracy, in order to keep the price point in inflation, many of the things that we buy for consumption have been shrinking for some time. Like ice cream containers.  Or package sizes in frozen foods.  And one thing that most people haven’t noticed, but probably should have, toilet paper.

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A rough guide to spotting bad climate science

If it feels like cargo cult science, if there is no dissension, if predictions don’t match real world, it’s bad science, no matter how huge the consensus.

Watts Up With That?


Guest essay by John Davies *

Being able to evaluate the evidence behind any scientific claim is important. Being able to recognize bad science reporting or faults in scientific studies is equally important. These following points may help you separate the real science from the pseudo science.

Speculative Language

Speculations from any research are just that – speculations.

Look out for ambiguous, obfuscatary or weasel words & phrases such as …

can, clearly, could, conjectured, considered, expected, may, might, perhaps, possibly, projected, robust, unprecedented

“Experts suggest…” “It has been said that …” “Research has shown…” “Science indicates …”

“It can be argued…” “Scientists believe….” “A high level of certainty” “Models predict….” etc,

…as any real evidence, for the conclusions being claimed is doubtful.

Sensational Language & Headlines

The media will ‘Never let facts spoil a good story’

Words like – Unprecedented, unparalleled, unmatched, extraordinary, groundbreaking, phenomenal, apocalyptic, bizarre, cataclysmic…

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