Trains over the Marsh

A long time ago in order to relieve stress from work, I drove down to the shoreline in Stoney Creek.  I looked out at the Thimble Islands and then I heard a train on the Shore Line and turned around to see two trains meeting and an old rusty bridge.  The bridge turned out to be the old Shore Line Electric roadbed turned into a park, which turned out to be the perfect place to get a short hike, relieve stress and chase trains across the marsh.

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The Thimble Islands And Stony Creek, Branford CT

This is a wonderful bit of landscape with islands that have houses on them.  When I worked in Branford I used to drive down the street and take a walk at the park that paralleled the railroad along the old trolley roadbed.  It’s definitely worth a stop for lunch, say.

I have a lot of pictures I have taken there.  Here is a flikr album with some of the best.
