Boomtown Part 4

Here’s the fourth in Wired UK’s excellent series on Shenzhen.



Make Magazine on Shenzhen.

How maker faire went to Shenzhen.

Bunnies blog.

Part 3.

Part 2.

Part 1.


Boomtown, part 3

This is the third of Wired UK’s important series on Shenzhen.

Back when I was researching electrical technology back in the late 19th Century I found that the same sort pooling that Bunnie is talking about. As did the early radio types. In fact, the same sort of tension between patent holders who, for whatever reason have stopped innovating and innovators who want to continue to come up with new things has existed since the beginning of the industrial revolution.

More links:


Boomtown Part 1.


For more on the dysfunctional economy click Here or on the tag below.


This is Shenzhen.

In 1980 this was fishing shacks, rice paddies  and economic freedom and opportunity. Think about that when you hit the booth in November.

Cities Are Living Things


This is the third in the series of post about city planning, though it’s actually the one I started first.  So far I’ve discussed city planning as science fiction and the fact that it was a good thing that it stayed as fiction.

Here I discussed city planning and it’s effects on urban economics.


Now I’m going to  look at city planning and it’s effect on the most important part of why you have cities in the first place, the need for people to have places to work and live. This post will start of with some stuff from William Whyte, who did a lot of studies on how urban spaces are used during the 1970’s

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What Makes A City “Work?”




I’ve always been interested in cities, what works, and what doesn’t.   I’ve  managed to find a bunch of books, including Jane Jacobs three “City”  books as well as others.  Some are observations of how things work.  Others are big plans and dreams about how things might work.  Unfortunately they usually don’t. At least not outside movies.

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