Why There Was An Air War In WW1

Ran into a couple of sites that are not seemingly related, but actually are. Sometimes the drama of something distorts the real history and we lose the perspectives  as time goes forward.  Most of the stories you hear about the battles in the air during the Great War will concentrate on brave flying heroes and their flying machines. But the battles in their existed for a reason and it’s important to remember what that reason was.

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PBS’s “The Great War”

The American Experience has run a series called the “Great War.” More appropriately it could be called “Woodrow Wilson and American Fascism.”


Creatively this is an excellent series.  Whoever was responsible for getting footage did a great job.  The writing, though had some rather drastic  flaws.  Far too much time was spent on what were, at the time, side issues, like racial politics and women’s sufferage.  While Wilson’s racism is well known and his segregation efforts fairly well presented on other programs it did have some bearing on his actions. But were racial politics so important that they essentially crowd out the war itself?  It’s not as if turn of the Century racism is a subject that is not touched on.  Rather the opposite, if what I see in a typical Black history month is any indication. Yet dealing with various issues about African Americans absorbed about 1/4 or more of the airtime.  The woman’s sufferage stuff was just wasted time that didn’t really deserve the time it got at all.

Especially when things like the lack of preparation on the part of the Army Ordnance Dept. got left out completely and only one sentence said anything about shortages of equipment.  To me that was a far more important and not really discussed part of the history that had far more bearing on the war.

Then there was the outright take over of America’s rail system.  That massive turn toward Progressive Socialism didn’t even get mentioned.  To say nothing of the other takeovers and government operation of businesses.  Add that to the fact that the government didn’t want give the railroads back to their owners after the war was over.

Frankly the program touched very little on the consequences of the war outside Wilson’s attempt to get the fourteen points as a basis for the peace.  We saw nothing from the rest of the allies, the countries that had bled so much before the US even entered the war.

As documentary of America’s involvement in WW1, The Great War is at best middling.  The footage and the presentations of people like Eddie Ridenbaker and other noteworthies who participated in the war was well done. As was were the parts about the Harlem Hellfighters and some of the other units. The use of propaganda and activities that can only be called Fascist on the part of the Wilson Administration was also well covered.  For that the series gets a recommendation.

On the other hand the constant pounding of racial politic and the feminist movement are down check.  Almost none of that should have been in a documentary about “over there.” Certainly not to lengths of which the show went.  Too much time was spent going over and over how horrible white were and that cost minutes that really could have been spent on other things in a six hour miniseries.

If you are interested in more details about WW1 “The Great War” YouTube channel is doing a week by week summary of the war with frequent specials about who, what , where and why.


Highly recommended.


The Memorial Pictures Of WW1

When I started to collect pictures of WW1 stuff from Pinterest, a pattern emerged. I kept seeing pictures of soldiers, usually taken in a studio, in uniform.  I wondered what they were about when I found the picture taken of my great uncle Roscoe in an album and I realized what the pictures were for. Here’s Uncle Roscoe in his US Army Air Service uniform probably just before embarking for France.

Roscoe Duthie

These pictures were taken to be memorials for those left behind if the soldiers did not return home, as so many did not. I’ve seen memorial pics from all the combatants with the possible exception of the Ottomans.  These are the faces of the men, sometimes boys and women who were going “over there” and knowing that they may not be coming back.

Here’s my Pinterest board of the Memorial pics I’ve found so far.


Here’s a Flikr album created by the Imperial War Museum.


And the page on the Imperial War Museum website.


More pics from the Australian War museum.


Another article with more pics.


One expression that seems to be on almost all the faces  is anxiety.  Even when it’s obvious that the men in the pictures are trying to exude a feeling of confidence and determination, they by and large fail. These are people trying to put a strong face on the fact that they know that they may not be back from “over there.”  Yet there they are, going on regardless. That, to me makes them the heroes that they were.

Grim Humor From WW1

An item in a newspaper clip has led me to explore something than most people have probably forgotten.  That is the humor create by and for the troops in the trenches.  Many people know about Willy and Joe, Bill Mauldin’s long suffering GI’s in WW2, but how many know about the mustachioed Old Bill who haunted the trenches in WW1?

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Getting The Wounded Out Of The Trenches

World War 1 saw great advances in the care of the wounded.  Significantly that was probably because there were more wounded rather than slowly dying to  take care of.  That was because transportation advances, specifically the development of automobiles and trucks that could be reliable enough to stand up to military requirements enabled the wounded to get to treatment faster and thus survive.

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The Ordnance Revolution Of The Last Quarter Of The 19th Century.

If you look at artillery of the American Civil War and the Artillery of the First World War they are nothing alike.  A typical field artillery piece of the American Civil war would be fully familiar in all respects to an artilleryman from the 18th Century and even the 17th Century or earlier.  There would be some improvements in the carriage and fittings, but the basic piece and how it was fired would be something that the gunner from the army of Gustavus Aldolphus would have no problems with.  Forty years later and that gunner would have no clues as how the gun was fabricated or operated.

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Casualties Of War

I started a WW1 board on Pinterest and one series of pictures that kept turning up were pictures of the badly wounded, especially face wounds.  These were soldiers who were horribly disfigured by the shells, bullets and debris that struck them in the trenches. Pinterest is sort of a collector with algorithms. I started a board where I could store pics of WW1 tanks, guns and trenches for some posts here and then when the algorithm  figured out that I was looking for pics of WW1, pictures of soldiers showed, many of them on their way to the war. Some of the things in this post are going to be ugly and gruesome.  There’s no real way to color it over and I’m not even going to try.  History should be looked and read as it was, not as we would like it to be.

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Weird Ordnance, Tactical Flexibility And Using What You Have

This post is the result of a couple of encounters with one of those weird pieces of ordnance that came out of the late 19th Century.  I’m going to post the links in reverse  order to which I encountered them, starting with this tumblr post of a small metal pillbox used for anti tank purposes on the Hindenburg Line  on the  Western Front in WW1


. Here’s the post.

Now the author of the blog couldn’t find out much about what the things was, but in  the weird sort of coincidences that the internet creates I had actually run into the cupola and it’s ordnance in a completely different setting.  The cupola is called a Fahrpanzer and they were designed to be portable emplacements in fortifications.


I know about the Fahrpanzer because last week or so I encountered this on Pinterest.

The picture came from this wonderful artist on Deviantart who did a series of illustrations for a book in Romania, where most of the Fahrpanzers were sold by the German company that built them, for various fortifications.


During WW1 the Fahrpanzers in Romania were more or less obsolete, pointing in the wrong direction(toward the Russians), dismantled for their guns and lost in the turmoil of WW1  and I just saved the picture in my ordnance folder assuming that the Fahrpanzer was just another one of those obscure pieces of European ordnance that was good for curiosity purposes, but not much else.  Then I saw the post above where at least two(the picture in tumble post show two different Fahrpanzers if you look at them closely, one is missing the builders plate on the back), and probably a lot more were emplaced on the Hindenburg Line as antitank guns, a role that they are actually well suited for as long as the armor of the tank is not very thick, which all the armor on all the tanks of WW1 was.

Here’s a stack of Fahrpanzer links.

First of all, the technical drawings from the Copenhagen military museum who apparently have the only 37mm Fahrpanzer.


Click to access Taarnet.pdf

Click to access Taarn_indvendig.pdf

Click to access Taarn_detaljer.pdf

Click to access Ammunition.pdf

The Bulgarian Military museum has a 53mm(or 57?) Fahrpanzer



The Athens military museum has two apparently


Some pics I found on google.





Some Fahrpanzers in deployment.

In a war that already the favored the defensive, the Fahrpanzer would actually be a nasty piece of ordnance even if the gun was obsolete.  It the black powder gun was replaced by a more moderns weapon, the fact that these things could be brought up, dug in and once emplaced, almost impossible to hit with the direct fire weapons of WW1 tanks and requiring a direct hit from over head by a howitzer or mortar. Now that I see them I’m not surprised that the Germans, short on both resources and men in 1917 pressed these things into service. Which almost certainly made the Tommy’s, Doughboy’s and Frenchy’s jobs just that much harder.  Such was WW1.