Hardware Stores

I have a lot of love for hardware stores, especially the old style one individually run by small business people which an amazing number still are. Popular mechanics has run this piece about the best hardware stores out there. Including an interview of a kid working in a store up the road from me.

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Boomtown, part 3

This is the third of Wired UK’s important series on Shenzhen.

Back when I was researching electrical technology back in the late 19th Century I found that the same sort pooling that Bunnie is talking about. As did the early radio types. In fact, the same sort of tension between patent holders who, for whatever reason have stopped innovating and innovators who want to continue to come up with new things has existed since the beginning of the industrial revolution.

More links:



Boomtown Part 1.




For more on the dysfunctional economy click Here or on the tag below.


This is Shenzhen.

In 1980 this was fishing shacks, rice paddies  and economic freedom and opportunity. Think about that when you hit the booth in November.

A Blog About Fasteners A “Let’s Build” Resource

I’ve been working with fasteners professionally for thirty years now both as an engineer and working in a hardware store.  I would like to think that I’m a fastener guru.  Yet I also know that I’m still learning things.  So when I see a blog like this one I just had to share.


Good stuff here on how to put stuff together.

The Let’s Build Series.
