The Conference of Deception, Chapter 68

Cantgúl doesn’t find what she was looking for.

Chapter 68.

Lain Othrond

Cantgúl looked at her daughter and said, “You left very little.”

“Of your experiments in madness? No, I did not.”

“What did you do with my things?”

The queen in Neuw Athlin has most of it. The rest has been given to people who could use the things, the tables and such.

“What about my notes?”
“They were sent to the University in Neuw Athlin as well.” Pearl grimaced. “Mother, all that was done over a year ago when you went to the Community and other places. The city here and I had decided that there would be no more Animals.”

“Because of Church restrictions?”

“Because it was the right thing to do. Mother, you were abusing children. Doesn’t that matter to you at all?”

“It was part of my work.”  

“The work of the mad, who would not even share what they gained with those who supported them. They rested in their stasis cases while you and the others pursued their mad dream.  I don’t know what compulsions were placed upon you, but don’t bother trying to place compulsions on me. You have probably figured out that they don’t work. Is there anything else?”

Cantgúl disappeared and Pearl breathed a sigh of relief. Feredir came in and said, ”Your mother is no longer acting as an avatar.”

“She is looking to restart her experiments. She wasn’t happy that I had sent her things off.” 

“Where do you think that she is going to go next?”

“Probably off to Neuw Athlin to annoy the queen.”

Feredir  grinned. “That will work out well.”    

Neuw Athlin

Elwin felt the tree probe. He thought back, “What do you want?”

“One the new gods’ avatars has just emerged from Jump. She does not have a rider at present.”

“Which one is it?”


“I take it that you want me to provide some distractions.”

 “That would be a good thing. I would also like to know what the lady desires.”

Elwin grinned and entered Jump.

Cantgúl was rather frustrated as she prowled the repository. The folk that she had found hadn’t known about her files or any of the rest of it. Finally a voice behind here said, “May I be of assistance, milady?”

She jumped a bit and turned around her to see a mage standing behind her. “Are you not concerned about being a mage here in the Mortal Kingdoms?”

The mage grinned. “Should I be? I have had no great difficulties of late.”

“The Church will put you to the stake.”

“I have not had any problems with the Church. I am Mage Elwin. I presume that you are Lady Cantgúl.”

 “I am.”

The mage held up his satchel. “I work here at the Repository. Perhaps I can assist you in discovering what you are searching for.”

“Perhaps you can.”

With the mage’s assistance, Cantgúl was able to find her journals. Since she could not haul them off, she scanned them and left them for the mage to deal with. Then she Jumped back to the Community.

When the witch disappeared into Jump, Fire became visible and said, “Why did you help her?”

  Elwin grinned “I thought that doing that would be the easiest way to find out what she wanted.”

“She now has her things.”

“Just the scans. She could not take the actual material into Jump. I convinced her that it was far too heavy.”

Fire grinned. “She has a lot of work in front of her then.”

“That should keep her occupied and busy. I thought that was only a good thing. I need to report to the Tree.”

Elwin Jumped to the Tree. “What did the witch want?”

“Her files. I arranged it so that she scanned them rather than sending some violent types to collect them and potentially damage the Repository.”

“That will occupy her time. There are other witches to come, though.”

“I know. Three right now.”

“Be wary. They will be acting as the new gods’ hands.”

“Yes, I know. For the time being, the witches have been left to their own devises.”

“Tell me all that you discovered.”

“That was much. Cantgúl was more chatty than she should have been.”

“You do have that effect mage.”

Elwin laughed. “I do at that.”

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